Sustainable Environment
Environmental Protection:
Climate change has become the operating focus for sustainable corporate development; green operations and environmental protection are Greenyn's social responsibilities; therefore, fulfilling the compliance obligation, minimizing the risk of hazards, supporting green energy, improving energy-saving efficacy, engaging all employees' participation, and circular improvements of sustainability are the obligations for environmental protection.
  • Response to Climate Change
Greenyn Biotechnology has a deep understanding of the environmental, economic, social, and health challenges brought on by climate change and believes that a response to climate change is a key aspect of sustainable operations. Since 2022, Greenyn Biotechnology has applied the framework of Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) published by the Financial Stability Board to assess the effect of climate change on Greenyn Biotechnology, identify climate risks and opportunities, and mitigate as well as manage the impact of environment changes toward the company. In 2023, the company officially signed on as a TCFD Supporter for the health care industry.
Categories of Emission Sources 2022
Scope 1 direct emissions 60.71
Scope 2 Indirect emissions from purchased electricity 671.32
Total 732.03
Emissions intensity (tCO2e/million dollars in revenue) 1.0379
   Unit: tCO2e
  • Energy Management
Greenyn actively advocates decarbonization concepts and promotes various energy conservation measures to reduce our impact to the environment. We strive to develop an internal awareness towards energy conservation and encourage employees in all departments to participate in energy conservation activities. The purpose of these measures is to reduce energy consumption, carbon emissions, and fulfill our corporate responsibility towards the environment. In the future, Greenyn will continue to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction measures to achieve balance between cost benefit and resource efficiency and realize our goal of energy conservation and environmental protection. They strive to develop sustainable energy, work together towards a low carbon financial society, and continue to actively contribute towards these developments.
Greenyn has implemented non-toxic green extraction processes in our research and production; the manufacturing of our products does not generate pollution.

Statistics of 2022 Energy Consumption
Category (unit: GJ) 2022
Direct Energy Natural gas energy consumption 592.45
Fuel energy consumption 39.51
Diesel energy consumption 92.71
Indirect Energy Electricity consumption 4,882.34
Total energy consumption 5,607.01
  • Water Resource Management
Water resource management is an indispensable and critical factor in Greenyn’s operations. Water is widely applied in our manufacturing and R&D processes and a stable water supply is critical to Greenyn’s operations. Currently, the industrial water source used by Greenyn is tap water supplied by Taiwan Water Corporation.
Statistics of Water Usage   unit: million liters
Tap water usage 5.698
Groundwater usage -
Surface water usage -
Sea water usage -
Total water usage 2.669
Total amount of recycled water 0.418
Amount of discharged water 2.026
Water consumption 3.672
  • Waste Management
The introduction of green eco-friendly extraction equipment increases production efficiency and decreases the use of solvents. This minimizes the environmental impact of emissions and waste generated through manufacturing processes.
We comply with the laws and environmental policies of the competent authority by continuously improving manufacturing processes and increasing efficiency to effectively reduce the generation of pollution emissions and waste; reduction targets are established and regularly reviewed.
The awareness for environmental protection begins internally: Digitized management have been initiated for internal processes to replace paper documents with digital signatures and reduce the consumption of paper.

2022 Statistics of Industrial Waste Processing at Greenyn
Waste Processing Method Recycling Reuse Incineration Other Total
General industrial waste (ton) 3.9 15 44.93 19.4 83.23
Hazardous industrial waste (ton) 0 0 5.14 0 5.14
Proportion of processing method (%) 4.4% 17.0% 56.7% 22.0% 100%



GREEN biotechnology
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