About Us

Company Name Greenyn Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Industry Food industry
Abbreviation Greenyn
Stock Code 6846
Stock Market OTC
Major Scope of Business R&D, production, sales, and ODM foundry of healthcare food and raw materials.
Year of Establishment 2012
Chairman Wu, Chia-Feng
President Hsu, Pang-Kuei
Address of Headquarters 5F, No. 43, Keya Rd., Daya Dist., Taichung City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Stock Transfer Institution Grand Fortune Securities Co., Ltd.
CPA's Firm Deloitte Taiwan
Tel. 04-22382867
Facsmile 04-22389677
E-mail public@greenyn.com.tw
Website http://www.greenynbio.com


GREEN biotechnology
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